Urs Althaus
Luisa Held Management (Main agency)
Other professional training
- 2009
Michael Habeck - München
- 1981
Dominique de Fazio – Actorstudio L.A. - Rom
- 1980
Sam Chwatt, New York
- 1977 – 1978
Mira Rostova New York
- 2018
Swiss Diversity Award * Life time Award - Nomination
- 2017
Festival Raccontami - Pavia - GrandeFantasista del Cinema - WINNER
- 2015
Campioni in Tour Christmas Day 2015 - Milano - Premio alla Carriera
- 2023
- Marcél Walser (MR) Ralph Bohli, Lorenz Bohler Producer: Ralph Bohli
- 2022
Una panchina per due (il ritorno di Aristoteles) (Cinema film)Aristoteles (SR) Andrea Di Lorenzo Producer: Galassobros Written by: Galassobros
- 2014
Electroboy (Cinema film)Himself Markus Gisler Producer: Lang Film
- 2014
Convicted (Short film)Afrikaner Jan Schneider Producer: Maria Wiasmitinowa
- 2012 – 2013
- Ray (MR) Markus Boestfleisch Producer: Boestfleisch Film
- 2012
Ganz Grosses Kino (Short film)MANN 2 (MR) Ivana Lalovic Producer: ARF/FDS Trailer Distribution: Verband Filmregie und Drehbuch Schweiz Written by: Florian Siegrist
- 2011
Was wurde aus Urs AlthausHImselfe Rodney Sewell Producer: Megaherz TV Fernsehproduktion GmbH Distribution: ServusTV
- 2008
Sweets and Teats (Cinema film)Ruppert (MR) Geretta Geretta Distribution: Venus Envy Films
- 2007 – 2008
L'Allenatore Nel Pallone 2 (Cinema film)Aristotoles Sergio Martino Producer: Dania Films
- 2007
Unter dem Bett (Göttliche Komödie) (Short film)Virgil Giles Tschudi Producer: Giles Tschudi (Regie)
- 2006
Trick or Treat (Short film)The Boss Max Nüchtern Producer: Max Nüchtern (Regie)
- 2001
Sweetiecakes (Cinema film)Rupert Geretta Geretta Producer: Big Six Film
- 1986
Der Name der Rose (Cinema film)Venantius Jean-Jaques Annaud Producer: Cristaldifilm
- 1985
Warbus (Cinema film)Ben (MR) Ferdinando Baldi Producer: Amerinda Est - Nino Milano Distribution: Video Asia Written by: Ferdinando Baldi (screenplay) (story) | John Fitzsimmons (screenplay) (story)
- 1984
L’Allenatore nel Pallone (Cinema film)Aristotoles (MR) Sergio Martino Producer: Dania Film Distribution: Distribuzione Lanciamento Film (DLF)
- 1984
Arrapaho (Cinema film)Arrapato Ciro Ippolito Producer: Lux International
- 1984
Quartetto Basileus (Cinema film)Call boy (SR) Fabio Carpi Producer: CEP Distribution: Continental Video
- 1983
Warrior of the Lost World (Cinema film)Mercenary (SR) David Worth Producer: Visto International Inc. Distribution: Visto International Inc.
- 1982
Beyond the Door (Cinema film)Tunesian (SR) Liliana Cavani Producer: Cineriz Distribution: California Pictures
- 1982
The New York Ripper (Cinema film)Sex performer (SR) Luici Fulci Producer: Fulvia Film Distribution: 21st Century Film Corporation
- 2022
- Himself (EL) Alessandro Chirara Producer: RSI-Radiotelevisione Svizzera[CH] Station: RSI-Radiotelevisione Svizzera[CH] Distribution: RSI-Radiotelevisione Svizzera[CH]
- 2022
Oltre la news (Mini series)Himself (EL) Filippo Fiorini Station: RSI-Radiotelevisione Svizzera Distribution: RSI-Radiotelevisione Svizzera
- 2020 – 2021
- Häuptling Anaru (SR) Hannu Salonen Producer: Felix von Poser, Alexis Wittgenstein Station: ARD Distribution: Netflix Casting Director: Anja Dihrberg-Siebler Written by: Christian Limmer, Ronny Schalk, Alexis Wittgenstein
- 2020
Aristoteles quella volta che incontrai-Pele in ascensoree zittiimPavarotti (2020) (TV series)Himself (MR) Producer: Corriere deollo Sport Station: Corriere dello Sport
- 2020
Sky sport 24 (TV magazine)Himself (MR) Producer: Sky Italia Station: Sky Italia
- 2018
- Carlos Riva (EL) diverse Producer: ndF neue deutsche Filmgesellschaft mbH Station: ARD Distribution: ARD Casting Director: Franziska Aigner-Kuhn
- 2015
Premium CalcioAristotoles & himself Antonio Greco Producer: Mediaset
- 2013
Ich mit 16 (TV magazine)himself (EL) Glanz@Gloria Producer: SF 1 Station: Schweizer Fernsehen (SF)
- 2012
- Alvaro da Silva (12 Folgen) (EL) This Lüscher Producer: SFB&B ENDEMOL Station: SRF Distribution: SRF Casting Director: Ruth Hirschfeld
- 2012
CALCIO (TV movie)Interview (MR) Alessandro Puto Producer: Gazetta della Sport TV Station: La Gazetta dello Sport TV
- 2012
Der Club (TV magazine)Himself (MR) Producer: Schweizer Fernsehen (SF) Station: Schweizer Fernsehen (SF) Distribution: Schweizer Fernsehen (SF)
- 2011
SF bi dä Lyt (TV series)Himself (EL) Schweizer Fernsehen (SF) Producer: Schweizer Fernsehen (SF) Station: Schweizer Fernsehen (SF) Distribution: Schweizer Fernsehen (SF)
- 2010
Mise au Point (TV series)Himselfe (MR) Producer: Télévison Suisse- Romandd Distribution: RTS
- 2010
Fashion Days Model Challenge 8 Folgen (TV series)Jury (MR) Producer: Pro 7 Station: Pro 7 Schweiz Distribution: Pro 7 Schweiz
- 2009
- Oskar Wecker Robert Sigl Producer: ORF/ZDF TV Serie Station: ZDF/ORF
- 2009
Aeschbacher (TV show)Talk Show (EL) Producer: Schweizer Fernsehen Station: SRF Distribution: SRF
- 2009
Glanz @ Gloria (TV magazine)interview (EL) Producer: Schweizer Fernsehen Station: Schweizer Fernsehen Distribution: Schweizer Fernsehen
- 2004
Medico in famiglia (TV series)George (EL) Isabella Leoni Producer: RAI/TV Serie Station: RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana Distribution: RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana
- 2002 – 2004
Bello della donne 2 +3 (TV series)Mekho (EL) Maurizio Ponzi Producer: Mediaste/TV Serie Distribution: Media Set Casting Director: Pino Pellegrino (II)
- 2003
Medico in famiglia (TV movie (series))George (EL) Isabella Leoni Producer: RAI/TV Serie Station: RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana
- 2003
Chiaro ScuroEdwin Ross Thomas Sherman Producer: RAI/TV moovie
- 2001 – 2002
Il CommissarioFernando M. Gomez (EL) Alessandro Capone Producer: Guido Lombardo Station: Canale 5 Casting Director: Renato Franceschi & Adriana Sabbatini
- 2001
- RE Luc (SR) Elvio Porta Producer: Mediaste/TV Moovie Station: Canale 5 Distribution: Media Trade Casting Director: Jenny Tamburi
- 1986
Another World/Apr. (TV movie (series))Ravi Embassador (EL) Producer: NBC-Television Station: National Broadcasting Company (NBC) Distribution: National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
- 1986
Another World/may (TV series)Ravi Embassador (EL) Producer: NBC-Television Station: National Broadcasting Company (NBC) Distribution: National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
- 1983
Martyrdom o.StSebastian (TV movie)Lead Bogenschütze (SR) Peter Weigl Producer: Hans-Günther Herbertz Station: Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF) Distribution: TV 2000 Film- und Fernsehproduktions Written by: Gabriele D'Annunzio
- 1983
Progetto di Atlandide (TV movie (series))Terrorist (SR) Gianni Serra Producer: TV-Moovie Distribution: Antenne 2 (A2) Written by: Lucio Mandarà (adaptation) | Stefano Terra (novel)
- 1983
E la vita continua (TV movie (series))Jerry (EL) Dino Risi Producer: Arturo La Pegna Station: RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana Distribution: Produzioni Cinematografiche C.E.P. S.r.l. Written by: Writers (3) Episodes Years Known for Giorgio Arlorio
- 1981
Progetto di ViattaRagazzo Guiseppe Fina Producer: TV-moovie
- 2021
Aristoteles – GEWINNER BIER DES JAHRES in ITALIEN Session IPL 4% - «Quanto sei punk – Railroad BrewingWritten by: Hubmira
- 2020
Io, Aristoteles, il negro svizzeroAutor Written by: Urs Althaus
- 2019
Grand Opera Wilhelm TellInitiator Andreas Winkler Producer: Urs Althaus Theater: Rütli Wiese Written by: Giacomo Rossini
- 2016
Botschafter - Amnesty - Olympia RIOBotschafter Producer: Amnesty International
- 2009
ICH, der NegerAutor Producer: WÖERTERSEH VERLAG Written by: Urs Althaus ISBN 978-3-03763-006-8
- 2009
Titel - WELTWOCHE und Grosses Interview
- 1977