Manuela Wenger

Manuela Wenger

About me

Manuela Wenger is an actress with a diverse background that sets her apart from the rest. Before realizing her talent for acting, she spent her days tending to the fields and horses on her family's farm in the Bernese Alps and working as a show-woman with future racehorses at horse auctions across Europe. 
Despite her rural roots and degree in engineering in agronomy, Manuela has always had a love for the performing arts. Today she brings her down to earth charm and naturalness to the entertainment industry. Additionally, her gift for languages gives her a flexibility rarely seen in the business. 
When she's not delivering funny lines or dramatic monologues, moderating, voice acting, singing, or modeling you can find her either at her adopted home on the lake of Greifensee or horseback riding in the hills of Bern. Her "farm to table" approach to acting is sure to resonate with audiences worldwide. 


Acting age
27-35 years
Place of birth
Wattenwil (BE)
Height (cm)
Weight (in kg)
Eye color
Hair color
dark blond(e)
Hair length
Place of residence
Zürich (CH)
Housing options
Miami (US), Munich (DE), Basel (CH), Cologne (DE), Berlin (DE), Los Angeles (US)
American-StandardAndalusian SpanishBern German(native dialect)English-StandardSwiss-German(native dialect)Zürich German
DressageFitnessHorse ridingLongboardShow jumpingSnowboardingWestern riding
Main profession
Model, Facilitator, Speaker
Driver's licenses
B - Car, T - Tractor


Other professional training

Giles Foreman Centre for Acting
Motion and Performance Capture Workshop
Physical Training für Schauspieler mit Salome Schneebeli, FOCAL Zürich
FOCAL Studio mit Giles Forman und Barbara Fischer, Zürich
Tischler Acting Studio, Zürich
Actors Connection, Masterclass mit Casting Directors und Showcases für Agenten, Los Angeles
Foundations Anthony Meindl’s Actor Workshop, 6-Wöchiges Intensiv-Programm, Hollywood (CA)
Workshop «Stille Aushalten» mit Michael Wolf («Die Gorillas» Berlin), Tsurigo Theatersport Internationales Festival, Zürich
Workshop “Meisner” mit Gary Condés aus London, Zürich
Workshop «Schauspielindustrie USA», Castingtraining und Cold Reading mit Deborah Meister, Zürich
Workshop Filmschauspiel und Shakespeare “On Camera” mit Regisseurin, Coach und Award winning Casting Director Aleta Chappelle aus New York, Schönow Castle Berlin
Zentrum für Entwicklung im Schauspiel ZES




NICHT MIT UNS! (Short film) In development
Ladina Decourtin (MR) Tanja Riegel Producer: Studio 1
CORDULA (Feature film) In development
Cordula (MR) Thamar Rieser Producer: Rieser Produktionen
Velo Gang (Cinema film)
Ilaria Alex Kälin Producer: Alex Kälin
S'STINKT MER (Short film)
Vera (GR) Jacqueline Muggli Producer: F+F Schule für Kunst und Design
The White Wolves (Short film)
Philomena Robin Oswald
Carnivore (Short film)
Heidi (MR) Luca Studer Distribution: Green Eyes Entertainment
APPology - sei dein bestes Ich (Cinema film)
Host Datingshow Marco von Moos Producer: SEmedia
DER ERSTE AUGUST (Movie trailer)
Frontistin Samuel Schwarz Station: Digitalbühne Zürich
iCARUS (Cinema film)
Krankenschwester Caroline Wloka Producer: Cine Royal Productions GmbH Distribution: First Hand Films
Die Entscheidung (Cinema film)
Lisa (MR) Martin Vollenweider
Tides (Cinema film)
Bewohnerin des Planeten Kepler Tim Fehlbaum Producer: BerghausWöbke Filmproduktion GmbH, Vega Film, SRG SSR Distribution: Constantin Film AG Written by: Tim Fehlbaum, Mariko Minoguchi
NOVA (Jurypreis Short Movie Advanced) (Short film)
Freundin Yves Farine Station: Talent Screen Awards
masks (Short film)
Claire (HR) (MR) Meret Santschi
Mirror of death (Short film)
Journalistin Andreas Küng
Push Through (Short film)
Gangmitglied Jonas Ballmann Distribution: zHdK
38h - 36 Grad (Educational production)
Lara (HR) (MR) Marco Hausammann-Gilardi Producer: ZES


Die Träume der Anderen (Series) In development
Konnie Frank Luchs


Ein Sommernachtstraum
Hermia Eva Mann Theater: Weinlandbühne Andelfingen
Die Organisation
Lucia Nathalie J. Sameli Theater: Mafia Dinnerevents
The American Dream
Rebecca und Spusi Nathalie J. Sameli Theater: Dinnerevents Krimi-Schiff
Manche mögen's jung
Lea Hans-Peter Rieder Theater: Störtheater
Der Mustergatte
Barbara Hans-Peter Rieder Theater: Störtheater
Der gestiefelte Kater
Dienerin Fabio Romano Theater: Reisetheater Zürich
Dominik Flaschka Theater: Bernhard Theater
Wegwärts (Goethe u.a. Faust Bearbeitung)
Lucy Christoph Hebing Theater: Theater Gymnasium Thun Schadau


BMW Garage Bühler (Speaker)
Andy Mejuto Producer: Energy Zürich Distribution: Radio Energy Bern
Grohe Quick-Fix Installationsvideos (Speaker) und tonhaus GmbH
Vatel (Speaker)
Little Studio Distribution: SRF
The Draft (Speaker)
Raphaela Wagner Producer: Mary Productions (Speaker)
Little Studio Producer: Swiss Life
profawo (Speaker)
Kommentar Erklärfilm Producer: BERTA Kommunkation
Fielmann (Speaker)
tonton gmbh Distribution: Radio Energy
Swiss Life (Speaker)
JEFF Zürich
Bio-Knospe (Speaker)
Pumpkin Film und Coop Distribution: SRF
Coop Naturaplan (Speaker)
Pumpkin Film und Coop Distribution: SRF
Blissful Sight for Kids (Speaker)
Producer: Ghana Vision
Digitaler Weihnachtsgruss (Speaker)
Stefanie Hunziker Producer: Band-Genossenschaft
Schweizerische Hilfe für Mutter und Kind (SHMK) (Speaker)
Kommentar Erklärfilm Jérôme Schwyzer
Wilder (Dubbing)
Diverse Rollen Jan-Eric Mack Distribution: SRF
DQ Solutions (Speaker)
Andy Mejuto Producer: Energy Zürich Distribution: Radio Energy
Infomaniak (Speaker)
Sprecherin Distribution: SRF
Caming im Panorama Center (Speaker)
Andy Mejuto Producer: Energy Zürich Distribution: Radio Energy Bern
Beo Center (Speaker)
Andy Mejuto Producer: Energy Zürich Distribution: Radio Energy
Yoga Greifensee (Narrator)
Yogaschülerin Marco Bersnak Producer: Denz Design
Energy Holidays (Speaker)
Andy Mejuto Producer: Energy Zürich Distribution: Radio Energy


CARE (Instructional movie)
Wachtmeisterin Producer: BERTA Kommunkation
Gojara (Instructional movie)
Moderatorin Joel Gubser Producer: Zugwerk AG


Fairytales are dead (Mini series)
Chefin Melanie Guntern


Kanton Aargau (Image movie) In development
Model Sven Emmenegger Producer: SEmedia
Noelle (MR) Jan Metzger Producer: Cine Studio Schweiz Casting Director: Jesse Tischler
Frauenzentrale Zürich (Commercial)
Daniela (MR) Cla Producer: brinkertlück Casting Director: Alexandra Müller
Dentalassistentin Sara Leutenegger Producer: Strategy Leaders Casting Director: Tania Bezzola
Migros Bank (Commercial)
Bänkerin Luca Mariani Producer: FE Agentur
Schweizerischer Verband für DentalassistentInnen
Dentalassistentin Strategy Leaders
SH POWER (Commercial)
Geschäftsfrau Kevin Hy
Raclette Suisse (Commercial)
Gastgeberin Rainer Binz Producer: Markenfilm Schweiz
Angel Grounding (Commercial)
Engel Patrick Kappeler Producer: SBB
Aus der Stadt zum Gletscher und wieder zurück. (Commercial)
Deutsche Touristin WOOP Productions Producer: Schweiz Tourismus
Yoga Greifensee (Image movie)
Yogaschülerin Marco Bersnak Producer: Denz Design GmbH (Commercial)
Lockvogel Fabio Tomé De Oliveira Producer: Tamedia AG
BE-Login Steuererklärung (Commercial)
Freundin Christoph Salzmann Producer: Berner Steueramt (Commercial)
Paar LikeMag Media House
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Allgemeinde Innere Medizin SGAIM
Internistin (HR) (MR) Christoph Salzmann
Baloise Session (Commercial)
Model Producer: Basler Kantonalbank BKB
Migros Klubschule Luzern (Commercial)
Quereinsteigerin (MR) 16zu9 Producer: Migros Klubschule
1820 Auskunft (Commercial)
Nummer 20 Christian Baumann
Digital Out of Home (Image movie)
Model Andreas Gemperle Producer: Face AG
Get syossed on the move (Commercial)
Pendlerin Addictive FILMS Producer: SYOSS
ARYStm pro - D (Commercial)
Therapeutin Jonas Ulrich, Dynamic Frame GmbH
Do Me A Favor Buddy - ONE FAVOR AT A TIME (Image movie)
Urban commuter Julian Quentin Schleelein Producer: Don Diffang
Studium für helle Köpfe? (Commercial)
Studentin Patrick Kappeler Producer: Hochschule für Agrar-, Forst- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften HAFL